This guide will demonstrate how to perform a fresh installation of MagicINFO. It will not cover any system modifications.
Video Tutorial:
First, make sure you have a system that meets the requirements of Samsung.
Before installation, we advise you to use the following programs and have them installed on your PC:
- Google Chrome as a web browser
- Notepad++ as a text editor
MagicINFO server requires a Database, You can choose from MSSQL or PostgreSQL. In this format, we will use PostgreSQL and this is also recommended by Samsung.
Step 1. Install PostgreSQL, please double-check if you have the right recommended version.
- Start the installation
- When prompted fill in a Database password
- Note down this password in a text file (needed later in the installation process)
- Run installation
- When the installation is done PostgreSQL will ask to use StackBuilder, this is not needed
- Finish the installation
Step 2. Start the MagicINFO installation.

This example is for an unattended installation, so we can keep all settings as they are.

Save the installation information. it will be stored in the installation folder on the C: drive.

We recommend making a copy of this information by selecting the information, copying it, and pasting it into the open text file where you have stored the database password.
Be sure to store this file on the server.
Step 3. Open MagicINFO.
MagicINFO needs to start on the background, this can take up to 5 a 10 minutes
Open Chrome web browser and fill in the following URL:
Default administrator credentials can be found in the installation folder: C:\MagicInfo Premium\MISInformation.txt.
Note: With MagicINFO V8 and V9 this file is no longer generated.
Default credentials are:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin2016!
4. Setting up MagicINFO
You can activate your paid or free license in the settings section. Here are some additional guides:
We recommend changing the default admin and default org password, here's how:
Now you can upload and create your content:
To connect your devices, you need to fill in your MagicINFO installation IP address and configure the TLS/SSL connection, here's how: