What to do when the device is connected to the MagicINFO cloud server?

MagicINFO can be used when a Samsung Smart signage display is connected to the MagicINFO server. If you want to use the MagicINFO cloud solution, the device must be connected to the MagicINFO cloud server. 

To register the device, a number of steps must be completed on the device. You can read about it in this article.

At the point that the SSL is set, the port and the correct server address are filled in, and the confirmation "clock adjusted" will appear in the bottom left corner. The device is now connected to the server and comes in as "Unapproved". 

Based on the Wired Mac address of the device and the model type, your consultant can find the device that needs to be added to your account. They will add the device to the account and name the devices so you can easily recognize them. In addition, they set the time zone and, in consultation with you, they fill in the timer settings of the device to indicate when it should turn on and off.

Configure Samsung device

Before the device is connected to the MagicINFO cloud server, the Samsung device must be configured. How the device needs to be configured depends on your requirements. This is in your own hands or those of your hardware supplier/installer.